Sri Lanka

Mr. Manoj Thibbotuwawa

Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Address :

Colombo, Sri Lanka

SANDEE Publications :

  1. Marawila, D. and M. Thibbotuwawa (2010), 'To Develop or to Conserve? The Case of the Diyawanna Oya Wetlands in Sri Lanka', SANDEE Working Paper No. 52-10
  2. Marawila, D. and M. Thibbotuwawa (2010), 'Develop or Conserve? The Case of the Diyawanna Oya Wetlands in Sri Lanka, SANDEE Policy Brief No. 47-10

Other Publications :

  1. Analysis of the Fisheries Sector in Sri Lanka, Guided case studies in value chain development for conflict-affected environments, Micro Report # 100, United States Agency for International Development. March 2008.
  2. Transforming Agriculture and Irrigation for Prosperity in IPS (eds), Mahinda Chinthanaya: A Commentary on Policy Options, Research Studies: Working paper series No. 11, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 2007.

Current Research Area/ Interests :

Production risk/efficiency
Food security 
Agricultural trade


Sri Lanka

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